Our Services
Every one of us is unique. We all have our dreams, aspirations and the potential to become the best version of ourselves.
Through our digital platform designed to your needs and aspirations, MyLife offers you a bouquet of products, services and resources.
MyLife assists you in addressing critical aspects of your live. We offer various learning platforms, developed by our best-in-class partners, aimed at financial, career, and personal growth.
We strive to help you find the balance between your social, emotional, and financial well-being in order to take care of your holistic health.
My Career in the MyLife platform allows you to manage your entire professional profile in one place, you can even create and store your resume online. We have the vision to create direction, evolving our Youth to their full potential in all facets of their career. A powerful journey to Career Success through our World of Work modules, IT Literacy program and more. Together we will Ignite Tomorrow!
MyLife Lifestyle is an Online Voucher Application that offers real value to you, your Business and the Community. My Deals on the MyLife platform empowers you to have access to a variety of supplier discounts, deals and vouchers.
We offer third party document integration with One Drive, Google Drive and DropBox. You can securely save and organize personal documents whilst having easy access 24/7.
With My Wealth Creation in the MyLife platform, you can create a single view of all your benefits and financial products. Use our powerful simulators to amongst others, draw up your budget, compare your medical aid and plan for the future with various online simulators available. Get direction through resources to gain financial wellness and freedom, reading material and online training.
Financial Literacy For Kids
MoneyTime is an online financial literacy program for South African children ages 10 to 14. MoneyTime has been tried and tested by over 35,000 students in more than 650 schools in New Zealand – where the product was developed. The program has been customised for the South African market and is now available for your child and school.
We Take Security Seriously
MyLife is cloud-hosted and has advanced capabilities to ensure the protection of personal data.
Network Security
MyLife is hosted on Microsoft Azure infrastructure with redundancy, firewalls and intrusion/DDOS checks.
Threat Protection
Advanced threat protection to detect harmful and malicious attempts and access.
Access Management
Role-based access control, ensures only authorized MyLife staff operating within strict guidelines have access.