Citrus Production Packhouse Process Flow
CATEGORY: Agriculture

Citrus Production: Packhouse Process Flow

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview


Audio-visual methodology is aimed at supporting and empowering people involved in the field of agriculture to define, promote, and take full ownership of their development, as learning is a life-long process.

Skills development is a key driver of socio-economic development. Mainstreaming of agricultural development efforts is crucial to ensure congruence and effective deployment of resources.

packhouses are vital to producing citrus fruit that is marketable, healthy, and
ready for transport. The packing process involves many different activities,
from washing, de-greening, and treating fruit, to sorting, grading, labeling,
wrapping, and packing. This means that there are a lot of people and machinery
involved in the process, and there are many places where things can go wrong.
Understanding the components, personnel, equipment, and machinery involved
throughout the packing process is the first and most important step to owning,
supervising, managing, or working in a packhouse efficiently and effectively.

Who Should Enrol

All people involved in the field of agriculture.

Course Design

A way to bolster agricultural production is to develop practical agricultural education systems. A powerful way of doing this is through the use of audio-visual modules which is a highly effective and tested methodology to approach, examine, and impart knowledge.

This is a comprehensive series of modules that follow a step-by-step process and can be used in group training or self-study – and are structured according to visual training guidelines. This implies defining most of the terminology used and where necessary, supporting the visual storyline with graphics and animation to enhance the learning process and ensure that sustainable knowledge is gained in the learning process.

These modules are designed to do precisely what they are meant to do – and that is to support skills development.

Online Video Series Supporting Agri Skills Development and Best Farming Practices.

Course Content

This course covers the following topics:

  • Packhouse Overview
    • Introduction,
      Production and Picking
    • Packhouse
      Process Flow
      • Introduction
      • Receiving
        and Initial Processing
      • Treatments
        and Separation
      • Packing
      • Inspection
        and Transport
      • General
    • Citrus
      Industry Extension Services
  • Packhouse Infrastructure and Planning
    •  Introduction
    • Packhouse
      • Introduction
      • Land
      • Access
      • Water
        Supply Part 1
      • Water
        Supply Part 2
      • Electricity
      • Connectivity
    • Packhouse

      • Planning Introudction Part 1
      • Planning
        Introduction Part 2
      • Packhouse
        Production Capacity
      • Packhouse
        Site Layout Part 1
      • Packhouse
        Site Layout Part 2
      • Packhouse
        Site Layout Part 3
      • Packhouse
        Production Area Part 1
      • Packhouse
        Production Area Part 2
      • Packhouse
      • Packhouse
        Automation Part 1
      • Packhouse
        Automation Part 2
      • Conclusion
  • Packhouse sanitation
    • Introduction,
      Spores & Fruit Infection
    • Pre-sorting,
      Removal of Fruit
    • Equipment
      & Workspace Sanitation
      • Intro
      • Sanitizing
    • Equipment
      & Workspace Sanitation

      • Cleaning
        and Sanitising Methods
      • Scheduling
    • Other
      Cleaning & Sanitising Procedures, Emergency Cleaning Procedures, Microbiological
      Laboratory Testing
    • Personal
      Hygiene, Recordkeeping
  • Receiving and Initial Process
    • Introduction,
    • Weighing,
      Packhouse Delivery Inspection
    • Drench
    • De-greening
    • Pre-sorting
    • Fruit
      Washing – Sanitisers
    • Fruit
      Washing – Tip Systems, Conclusion
  • Fruit Treatments
    • Introduction
    • Fungicides
    • Treatment
    • Titration
      and pH Measurement – Part 1
    • Titration
      and pH Measurement – Part 2
    • Wax Treatment
    • Fungicide
      Resistance, Conclusion
  • ·Sorting and Grading
    • Introduction
    • Fruit
      quality factors
      • External
        Fruit Quality Factors
      • Internal
        Fruit Quality Factors – Part 1
      • Internal
        Fruit Quality Factors – Part 2
    • Sorting
    • Sorting
    • Sorters
    • Grading
      Part 1
    • Grading
      Part 2
    • Sizing,
  • Packing Practices
    • Introduction
    • Packing
      Material –
      • Packing
        Cartons Part 1
      • Packing
        Cartons Part 2
      • Packing
        Cartons Part 3
      • Bulk
        Bins, Fruit Labels (PLUs), Fruit Wrappers
      • Pallets,
        Securing Sheets
      • Pallet
        caps, Corner pieces, Packing Material Specifications
    • Packing
    • Fruit
      Labelling, Packing Practices
      • Preparation
      • Place
      • Jumble
        Packing, Weighing Cartons
    • Automated
      Packing Machines
      • Introduction
      • Automated
        Place Packing
      • Automated
        Jumble Packing
    • Palletization
      • Introduction
      • High
        cube vs. Standard Pallets
      • Pallet
        Stacking Patterns
      • Palletizing
      • Pallet
        Stacking Practices
      • Securing
      • Marking,
  • Quality management
    • Quality
      Management Part 1
    • Quality
      Management Part 2
    • Quality
      Management Part 3
    • Quality
      Management Part 4
    • Quality
      Management Part 5
    • Quality
      Management Part 6
    • Quality
      Management Part 7
    • Quality
      Management Part 8
  • Logistics
    • Introduction,
      Shipping methods
    • The
      Logistics Chain
    • Road
    • Cold
      Stores, Port Services
    • Shipping,
Learning Outcomes

On completion of this video series, candidates will be able to:

Have a better understanding of some of the important aspects of Citrus Packhouse Process Flow including the following:

  • Packhouse Infrastructure and Planning
  • Packhouse sanitation
  • Receiving
    and Initial process
  • Fruit Treatment
  • Sorting and Grading
  • Packing Practices
  • Quality
  • Logistics