Soft Skill courses.

Problem Solving

We have five Problem Solving courses available in this series that focus on early problem recognition, four stages of creative problem solving, how to define problems accurately, confident decision making and crisis resolution. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the…


We have five Presentation/Recommending courses available in this series that focus on planning persuasive presentations, preparing presentations that sell, practicing for perfect delivery, presenting with impact, avoiding mistakes and anxiety. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply…


We have five Resolving Objections and Concerns courses available in this series that focus psychology objections & concerns, preventing objections & concerns, steps for handling objections, resolving objections scripts, resolving concerns in large sales. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow…


We have five Negotiation Skills courses available in this series that focus on intro to negotiation and strategy, planning effective negotiations, opening win-win discussions, exploring win-win alternatives, reaching agreement and tactics. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to…


We have six Influence courses available in this series that focus on appropriate use of power, influence techniques, how to get others to follow your lead, win-win negotiations, maximizing your core influence and preventing group think. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms…

Getting and Giving Help

We have five Giving and Getting Help courses available in this series that focus on getting the right help, mentoring peers, coaching peers, customer experience management, managing customer expectations. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the…

Follow -Through

We have five Follow Through courses available in this series that focus on upselling opportunities, preventing buyer’s remorse, email etiquette follow through, customer feedback and satisfaction, keeping customers for life. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply…

Expertise and Employee Retention

We have five Leadership Expertise/Employee Retention courses available in this series that focus on depth and breadth of knowledge, Confidence in any situation, credibility, how to hire the right talent and retaining the right talent. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will…


We have five Ethics courses available in this series that focus on introduction to ethics, employee ethical responsibilities, ethical dilemma decision-making, ethical problem-solving, leading ethical conduct. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their…

Difficult Situations

We have five Difficult Situations courses available in this series that focus on calming upset/irate customers, difficult customers, call escalation, handling complaints, delivering bad news. Each course averages 15 minutes to complete with a post assessment included for each course. The Application Activity forms will allow the participant to apply the learnings in their own…