Biosekuriteit word gesien as een van die eerste verdedigingsmeganismes teen pluimvee siektes. Dit behels verskeie voorsorgmaatreëls om voëls te beskerm teen kontak met siekte draende bakterieë, die draers kan enige iets wees van mense tot ander diere, voeding en selfs plaasimplemente.
Undercover Farming is an agricultural technique in which thew crop is grown under covers, where it is protected from environmental factors such as rain, hail, wind, frost, and pests. Commercial tunnel farming is usually done on farms with greenhouses using electric lights and plastic coverings.
The seed plants play an integral role in all aspects of life on the planet, shaping the physical terrain, influencing the climate, and maintaining life as we know it. For millennia, human societies have depended on seed plants for nutrition and medicinal compounds.
The South African Futures Exchange (Safex) consists of two divisions; a financial markets division for trading of equity derivatives and an agricultural markets division (AMD) for trading of agricultural derivatives.
Urban farming is the cultivation of products outside or in enclosed spaces on a domestic scale. This practice takes place in and around cities. Urban farmers must take advantage of all available space.
Harvesting citrus fruit is the critical step between producing good volumes of quality fruit, and packing those fruit in the packhouse. Picking teams have a big responsibility to maintain the quality of the fruit that has been produced and send it off to the packhouses in the best possible condition, with no injuries or bruises, as clean as possible, and with short, neatly clipped stems.
Citrus packhouses are vital to producing citrus fruit that is marketable, healthy, and ready for transport. The packing process involves many different activities, from washing, de-greening, and treating fruit, to sorting, grading, labelling, wrapping, and packing. This means that there are a lot of people and machinery involved in the process, and there are many places where things can go wrong. Understanding the components, personnel, equipment, and machinery involved throughout the packing process is the first and most important step to owning, supervising, managing, or working in a packhouse efficiently and effectively.
‘n Begrip van basiese voedingsvereistes is noodsaaklik aangesien behoorlike voeding van vleisbeeste noodsaaklik is vir volhoubare en suksesvolle produksie.
Stel ‘n gesonde gesondheidsprogram op. Entstowwe en medisyne, met verbeterde produksiepraktyke, insluitend gevorderde tegnieke en toestelle, sal help met die voorkoming van siektes en die optimalisering van die doeltreffendheid van voer-na-vleis-omskakeling.
Overall, macadamia nut farming is a high-profit potential crop due to its long lifespan, high-value crop status, and increasing demand. While it requires a significant investment, the potential for high returns makes it an attractive investment opportunity for farmers.