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Citrus Harvesting

Citrus Production: Harvesting


Harvesting citrus fruit is the critical step between producing good volumes of quality fruit, and packing those fruit in the packhouse. Picking teams have a big responsibility to maintain the quality of the fruit that has been produced and send it off to the packhouses in the best possible condition, with no injuries or bruises, as clean as possible, and with short, neatly clipped stems.

Citrus Production Packhouse Process Flow

Citrus Production: Packhouse Process Flow


Citrus packhouses are vital to producing citrus fruit that is marketable, healthy, and ready for transport. The packing process involves many different activities, from washing, de-greening, and treating fruit, to sorting, grading, labelling, wrapping, and packing. This means that there are a lot of people and machinery involved in the process, and there are many places where things can go wrong. Understanding the components, personnel, equipment, and machinery involved throughout the packing process is the first and most important step to owning, supervising, managing, or working in a packhouse efficiently and effectively.

Citrus Production - Safe Handing of Agrochemicals

Citrus Production: Safe Handling of Agrochemicals


In the process of producing and packing citrus fruit, many agrochemicals may be used. It is for that reason that it must be stored and used with safety in mind. How to protect ourselves, others, and the environment when using agrochemicals.

Citrus Production IPM

Citrus Production: Citrus IPM


Citrus pest management is one of the most dynamic aspects of pre-harvest production of citrus fruit as there are a number of pests that can occur on citrus and that require control measures.

Citrus Production Post Harvest

Citrus Production: Post Harvest Practices


Citrus has been exported from South Africa to all over the world. The industry has a long history of growth, innovation and forward thinking and are able to supply good quality citrus fruit both to the local and international markets.