Health Courses.

Jou Gewig Jou Keuse Kursus

Jou Gewig Jou Keuse – Kursus

Kursus Inleiding Hierdie kursus bied kennis en insig in die menslike denkpatrone en modelle wat deur die jare ontwikkel en getoets is. Dieselfde modelle het besighede gehelp om te floreer, en skole om sukses te behaal en het baie individue toegelaat om vreugde op baie lewensterreine te ervaar. Jy kan ook hierdie modelle toepas om…

Your Weight Your Choice Course

Your Weight Your Choice – Course

Introduction This course will present knowledge and insight into the human thought patterns and models that have been developed and tested throughout the years. These same models helped businesses to prosper, and schools to succeed and allowed many individuals to experience joy in many areas of life. You can also apply these models to make…